• Arlberg Giro 2013

    Arlberg Giro 2013

    Ole and I headed over to Sankt Anton on Saturday. The weather was sweltering and we went for a short ride up Arlberg pass when we arrived to maximise the summer feeling. Today was the Arlberg Giro. It’s a 148 km race with 2400 m climbing. I first did it in 2012 in horrid rainy…

  • Day 5 – Oye to Gamie Geirangerveg

    We are tucked up in our tent in a big wide valley plateau thing on the other side of the pass leading up from Geirangerfjord. It’s 12:30 am and we finished slurping our pasta vegie soup not long ago, horizontal, fishing bits and pieces out of the billy with our heads sticking out of the…

  • Ski touring Kühtai, March 2013: Day 2 – Ski tour Gaißkogel

    Ski touring Kühtai, March 2013: Day 2 – Ski tour Gaißkogel

    We left early and headed up next to the piste towards the peak for the day. The weather was good and the snow was too. We left the piste after some time and skinned up a valley before climbing steeply at its head. From there we attached ski crampons and ascended towards the summit of…

  • Ski tour Schwalmere

    Ski tour Schwalmere

    After a day of downhill skiing at Schilthorn in Switzerland a ski tour was on the cards for Monday. The plan was to tackle Schwalmere (2777 m) like we had attempted two years ago with Frauke and a similar bunch of people. However, unlike last time we were hoping that we wouldn’t require a helicopter…

  • Seakayaking Manapouri Jan 2013

    Seakayaking Manapouri Jan 2013

    Leonie and I zipped down to Lake Manapouri from our camp in Te Anau for an overnight seakayaking trip. We hired gear at the lake and not long after midday we were on the water paddling out of Pearl Harbour. After not long we portaged over to Circle Cove and stopped and had lunch on…

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