Lago di Lecco
As the weather forecast for Switzerland was poos we cancelled our Swiss sports climbing trip. Luckily Jakob came up with another master plan and him and I spontaneously drove to…
As the weather forecast for Switzerland was poos we cancelled our Swiss sports climbing trip. Luckily Jakob came up with another master plan and him and I spontaneously drove to…
Suvi and I spent the last three days in Lungern, Switzerland. Lungern is a little town by a lake in the mountains near-ish Interlaken. Above left: Suvi waiting for the…
Spent the day hanging out with Jane, Bell, and Daniel in Zuerich. It was a lazy lie-in-the-sun-by-the-lake-and-drink-beer sort of day. It was also an eat icecream sort of day. Everybody…
We had a 'seminar' in Switzerland this weekend. Well it was really more of a skiing trip with the work-group in Lauterbrunnen. Frauke and Moni also spent the weekend there.…
Spent the weekend in Switzerland with Frauke, and her friends Moni, and Andi. Above: View from our sled-run in Switzerland. Below: Cris gives a tutorial on how to ride a…