Mlahhh, the horrible lurgi is affecting my hearing. Horrid horrid horrid. Waiting at the train station in Bodø before our 10 hour trip back to Trondheim.
Mlahhh, the horrible lurgi is affecting my hearing. Horrid horrid horrid. Waiting at the train station in Bodø before our 10 hour trip back to Trondheim.
I am a snot monster. My pathetic immune system couldn't hold off the cold that has been doing the rounds. Currently on a ferry from Lodingen heading to Bognes.
We spent the day exploring bits and pieces around the Lofoten. We stopped in a picturesque fishing town and had a coffee followed by lunch next to the sea. On…
We are camping near the beach in Unstad in the Lofoten. It's 1 am and until recently Chris, Emily, and I were fluffing around in the sunlight. The sun had…
We spent the day scrambling up a mountain near our camp site. The view from the top was amazing, a large drop on one side of the ridge into the…