Leonie and I did a ski tour up onto Feldberg from the Stollenbacher Huette as we had done a few weeks ago. Leonie tried out her new ski touring gear that she’d bought in Allgäu and I tried out Bernd’s rescue that I bought off him after my disaster last weekend.

The weather was deliciously fine but very cold. We were seriously wind blasted on the last part of the ascent. Needless to say we didn’t hang around at the summit. We played find the Pieps for a while once we were lower down…

Leonie and Cris heading out on a ski tour (Stollenbacher Huette, Freiburg) resize Leo and Cris on the Feldberg Summit (Feldberg, Germany) resize

Above left: Leonie and Cris at the beginning of the ski tour. Above right: Cold at the top of Feldberg.

Frozen trees at Feldberg (Freiburg, Germany) resize

Above: Even the trees were cold.

Above: Skiing  down off Feldberg.

Above: Skiing down towards the Stollenbacher Hütte.

Above: And the same again.


Above: A map is always good…

Note to self: All timestamps on photos in Europe this year up to and including this blog entry are 12 hours out.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. thanks for the videos 🙂

    note to Chris: use exiftool (exiftoolgui) to correct the time stamps (first in exif data, then apply to file system info)

  2. Hey Marcel, it’s good to have at least one dedicated reader! Note to Marcel: I fixed the time stamps on my PC using ACDSee, but yes exiftool would have been another alternative. I actually use exiftool for geotagging and internally in my picasa face embedder software. https://cris.lovell-smith.com/downloads/picasa-face-embedder. I first noticed that the timestamps were wrong after exiftool could not successfully geotag the images. It’s a great tool that one. Hmmm… I can ssh into my web host so I guess I could run exiftool on my host and fix the timestamps on all of the images there rather than re-upload all of the fixed images from my PC. Now that’s a thought…

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