I headed to Switzerland early in the morning with Jutta, Elmar, and a few other keen folks. The plan was to go ski touring up to the summit of Blüemberg near Schwyz. The weather had other ideas. After a short gondola ride to avoid some of the climbing (we’re getting old) we started slogging. It snowed continuously and we could see very little. After a while a couple of Swiss folks passed us. We caught them up later on and they quizzed us as to where we were going. After a little chat they convinced us that we should abandon the trip. Apparently nobody else was attempting the summit as the avalanche danger was too high. So instead we turned around and headed down the mountain in the white-out into a valley. We skied out the valley and back to the cars.

Deciding to turn around (Blüemberg, Switzerland) resize Ready to make a turn (Blüemberg, Switzerland) resize

Above left: We decided to turn around after the Swiss locals in the picture warned us not to go further. Above right: Jutta about to make a turn in the powder.

Looking down (Blüemberg, Switzerland) resize Descending down the valley (Blüemberg, Switzerland) resize

Above left: Once we had descended some way the fog was not so thick and we could see a little more. Above right: Skiing down the valley.

Above: Skiing in fresh snow.

Above: A tricky little bit during the descent.


Above: And the map of the tour… You can see the summit we were trying to reach on the map.

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