Day 1 of our tramp over V Notch Pass near Mt Huxley.

We headed off from Mt Cook Village at a very leisurely hour and drove to Lake Ohau and onwards to the Temple Valley. The rain cleared while Gina, Jeremy, and Regan did a car shuttle to the bottom of the Huxley Valley, and we had a chance to dry tents in the sunshine. We set off up the South branch of the Temple walking either in the riverbed or on the track next to it. It was a nice short 3-ish hour walk into the South Temple Hut which turned out to be a nice 8 person hut rather than the 2 person biv we had been expecting.

Tramping up the South Temple 2 (Tramping V Notch Pass)Tramping through the bush (Tramping V Notch Pass)

Above left: We set off up the South Temple Valley to the South Temple Hut. Above right: We had a mix of walking in the river bed and walking on a track next to the river. It was sunny and rainy and sunny and rainy.

South Temple Hut (Tramping V Notch Pass)

Above: The South Temple Hut was a nice little 6-ish person hut which made us happy.

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