Day 1

The Bollschweil-Sölden skiing gang picked me up in Lindau in the morning and we drove to Innsbruck and then a little further on, up into the hills to the Weidener Hütte. Not true, we drove to the carpark below and from there we put on our skins and got ready. It was definitely spring time and we walked along a small path towards the woods carrying our skis and sweating in the warm and sunny weather. We had a mix of skinning and carrying to begin with as we climbed through the forest. After a while though the track was completely snow covered and we skinned up a small forestry road to the hut.

After a short break and consumption of drinks (and for me a soup and delicious apple strüdel) some of us headed off again. We started up through the soft snow behind the hut, weaving up through the forest. Higher up we left the trees and toured over a flat section arriving at a ridge line where we called it quits. We descended on nice soft snow that was easy to ski on but we veered off too far to the right. The terrain became steeper and forested. We navigated through the trees, sliding backwards and forwards on the snow. A particularly tricky bit meant removing our skis and climbing down through the trees. It wasn’t long until we were on track and we skied back down to the hut for dinner.

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