I’m visiting Johannes in Trondheim. So far the trip has involved rain, snow wind and a little bit of sun. It snowed consistently yesterday and the temperature dropped a little below zero meaning the snow started to pile up rather than melt as it had been doing on Friday. I went for a short snowy run on Friday and another run yesterday around the cross country ski tracks, being careful not to destroy them with my footprints. We climbed indoors in the evening and then I cooked a curry and we entertained a Swedish friend of Johannes.

Running in the snow (Norway March 2023)
I went running along the side of the cross country ski tracks in the hills behind Johannes’s flat.


Heading out for a run in sunshine (Norway March 2023)
I headed out for a run as the sun came. The weather was very changeable and it alternated between snow, rain, sunshine every few minutes.


Today yr.no promised us a bit of sunshine so we drove to a ski area nearby and did a short ski tour. It was something like 500 m ascent up to a communications mast on a hill. The sky was Norwegian blue, meaning it was grey and there wasn’t any sunshine. The snow was great though. There was perhaps 20cm of fresh powder and we descended from the top a bit through forest. It was all over too quickly and we were back near the ski field.

Heading up (Ski touring
We headed up near the ski field towards the communications mast that can be seen in the picture.


Johannes crossing the creek (Ski touring Vassfjellet, March 2023)
Johannes was certain we needed to cross the creek, which we discovered later caused many other ski tourers to do the same. It turns out it wasn’t necessary.


Johannes posing (Ski touring Vassfjellet, March 2023)
It was just 500m-ish of ascent to the top.


Johannes had wanted to cross a small creek on the way up to follow route markers on the trees, which we did successfully but with a bit of faff. A few minutes later as we skinned up through the thick snow we saw someone crossing from the left above where the creek started and we noted that we hadn’t needed to cross after all. A curious thing occurred on the way down. We followed our same tracks back down thinking whoever had made them would have known the best way. We were not the only ones who’d been using our tracks and we found other people had been trying to cross where we had. We headed further down following more tracks and came to another poor place to cross the creek. A couple of ski tourers on their way up on the other side of the creek stopped, assuming that they’d also need to cross the creek there.  So it seems it’s possible for a few people to confuse the masses.


We considered doing another tour after lunch but it began to snow heavily so after some expensive sandwiches we drove back to Trondheim.


Johannes skiing down (Ski touring Vassfjellet, March 2023)
The snow was nice and the descent was fun but far too short.


Cris with his big blue eyes (Ski touring Vassfjellet, March 2023)
I bought new dorky sunglasses for the ski touring trip.


More skiing down (Ski touring Vassfjellet, March 2023)
We descended through forest. In parts it was dense and other parts, like here, sparse.


Map of the tour

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