I took the train to Munich and met Rachel and Johannes. Rachel was on her way to the Netherlands to start a new life and I was on my way to the Chiemsee area to look for potential places to live. We spent a day in Munich before piling into Johannes’s  car and driving to the Walchsee in Austria where we’d managed to find an apartment for a few days. The plan was to do some cycling and inspect some of the small towns on the German side for liveability.

Rachel touristing in Munich (June 2024)
Rachel and I went and did some touristing around Munich.



We’d planned a ride around the Chiemsee but the heavy rain in Bad Endorf put us off and instead we drove onto the Walchsee where we went for a short ride in the afternoon under grey skies. The sun came out in the evening and we went for a walk up Brennkopf, a nearby hill. We reached the top with an hour of daylight remaining and had great views down into the valleys and towards Kufstein. The light was that rich evening light that you’d typically get under a norwest-arch back in Christchurch, New Zealand, and we used the last of it to get back into the valley before the sun set.

View on the way to Brennkopf (Walchsee June 2024)
The weather at the Walchsee was a bit grey and dreary when we arrived but it cleared up in the evening and we went for a walk up Brennkopf before the sun set.
Walking to the Brennkopf (Walchsee June 2024)
It had turned into a very nice evening and we peered down into the valley and out towards the Kufstein mountains.
At Brennkopf (Walchsee June 2024)
Some selfies at the top of Brennkopf were of course required.
Sun set (Walchsee June 2024)
The sun set as we headed back down.



We headed off for a longer ride from the Walchsee over the border into Germany. We checked out a bunch of the small towns including Traunstein, which seemed quite reasonable. We looped back down to Ruhpolding, which although small was well placed in amongst the mountains. Johannes went ahead to catch the imminently closing supermarket and Rachel and I rode the last couple of hours back to the Walchsee in very nice sunny evening weather. The last part of the ride was particularly scenic with very little traffic as we rode by pretty lakes surrounded by mountains.


Off cycling (Walchsee June 2024)
We cycled across the border to Germany and rode a loop along the edge of the hills returning in the evening via another border crossing further East back into Austria. It was a very long ride partly due to all the stopping we did.
Cris and Rachel cycling (Walchsee June 2024)
The sun came out in the evening and we got a bit of a rhythm going. Johannes had gone ahead to look for food and we cooked up a feast together back at the Walchsee.



We swapped our bikes for our legs and walked to the Ottenalm not far from our apartment. There were a selection of ferratas there and we did the Bergkameraden klettersteig, Rachel’s first before we returned along the ridge over Kranzinger Berg.

Rachel and Johannes start the Bergkameraden Klettersteig (Walchsee June 2024)
It was time to try something different and we did a nearby ferrata, Rachel’s first. She had no trouble with it and we then walked back along the ridge and dropped down to our apartment.



We packed up and drove to the Chiemsee parking in Bernau am Chiemsee. From there we cycled clockwise around the lake, stopping briefly in Rimsting for photos at the townhall before continuing to a small bakery for lunch. The weather improved as the day went on. We had icecream at the lake later and then finished off our loop finishing early evening. We headed back to base to Johannes’s flat in Munich.

Cycling around the Chiemsee (Walchsee June 2024)
More cycling. This time we started near the Chiemsee and cycled a slow clockwise route around it stopping at little attractions along the way like the unusually named village of Rimsting, a bakery for lunch, and the side of the lake for an ice cream later in the day.
Us at the Chiemsee (Walchsee June 2024)
Here we are in Prien am Chiemsee, a village at the side of the big lake Chiem.
A bit of gravel (Walchsee June 2024)
We found sections of gravel along the way that Johannes was well equipped for with his gravel bike.
The Chiemsee (Walchsee June 2024)
Probably should include a photo of the lake.
Taking a break (Walchsee June 2024)
Time for an ice cream and a sit down before riding the remaining 20km.
Overpriced food back in Munich (Munich June 2024)
Back in Munich we caught up with Josep and Sam at a very overpriced and not particularly good beer garden. Oops, my bad.

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Walchsee 2024
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