Neuschwannstein with Edit
Edit and I visited the touristy castle Neuschwannstein today near the town Füssen. The train ride was 5 hours in total and our tour of the castle was a lengthy…
Edit and I visited the touristy castle Neuschwannstein today near the town Füssen. The train ride was 5 hours in total and our tour of the castle was a lengthy…
Super schnee one might say. It snowed all of Saturday and today I snuck out for a couple of hours of skiing with Frauke at Fellhorn. I tried some mogully…
Kathi and I went skiing at Fellhorn for a few hours. Above: Kathi on the "Kanzelwand Talabfahrt".
Went for a short ski tour in Austria with Frauke. We turned around before the top as we wanted to avoid going into avalanche territory. I demonstrated my complete lack…
I went ski touring in the evening with Frauke in Nesselwang. They keep the ski-field open in the evening there. We headed to the top of the mountain on a…