Burstkopf March 2016
Brendan came and visited in the weekend and we headed out to Balderschwang on Saturday and did some ski touring. The snow was great, the weather was average. To begin…
Brendan came and visited in the weekend and we headed out to Balderschwang on Saturday and did some ski touring. The snow was great, the weather was average. To begin…
We spent four days at the Jamtalhütte in Austria from 25 – 28 Feb 2016.
Day 1:
The weather wasn’t predicted to be particularly good so on the first day we drove to Galtür in Austria arriving at the alpine start time of erm… well… 12 pm. We skinned up the 15 km or so to the hut rising about 650 vertical metres. We had patches of blue/grey amongst the clouds but the weather forecast was mostly correct… i.e. not particularly good.
The hut is a very popular destination and has 122 beds, 60 spaces in the mattress area and 12 in the winter room. It sits at 2165 m above sea level in the Silvretta Alps and is owned by a section of the German Alpine Club.
Above: The weather wasn’t fantastic but occasionally the sun tried to poke through the clouds.
I headed back up to Lech on Saturday morning and Leonie and I set off on another ski tour. We started off as we had like last weekend moving up…
I took the train into Austria on Friday afternoon to meet Leonie in Lech. In Saturday we headed out for a ski tour despite the rubbish weather. We did the…
Katie and I went for an overnight trip to Sylvester Hut above the Cobb Reservoir in Kahurangi National Park. We left fairly late but this wasn’t a problem as the…