Simon and Anita came to visit for a week or so.
A random list of some stuff we did:
– Simon and I went for a mountain bike ride up Schoenberg.
– We went wandering in the Ravennaschlucht near Freiburg.
– We headed off to see the Rhein waterfall in Schaffhausen (Switzerland), then headed over to Lake Constance. The following day we headed over to Liechtenstein and found some frogs. Then spent a night near the Klausenpass. Drove over the Klausenpass and headed back to Freiburg.
– We caught up with Oli and Jakob in town for an evening, missed the last tram home, so ran instead.
And now in pictures:
Above: Some greenery in the forest of blackness in the Ravennaschlucht. We went for an afternoon stroll up the gorge and did a little bit of snapping.
Above: And some yellow for variety.
Above: Simon and Anita my sometimes normal visitors.
Above: Simon was as usual thoroughly impressed with my cooking.
Above: Being good beer drinking Germans in Konstanz with Johannes. I would have posted a picture of the Rheinfall in Schaffhausen, Switzerland but to be honest the punch bowl falls in Arthurs Pass leaves it for dead, so let’s have a picture of that instead. No tourists, no silly Swiss flags, you don’t have to pay to get close to it. Hmm, perhaps it’s almost time to return to NZ.
Above left: Some twigs in Liechtenstein, or is there something more. Above right: A delicious feast. The Swiss do the best bread in Europe IMHO.
Above: The weather in Switzerland was rather grotty for a bit but the rain cleared and we cruised up to Klausenpass.
Above left: You just can’t take some people anywhere. The Swiss would have been horrified. Above right: Simon and Anita being a happy couple.
Above: Simon and Anita prove that we don’t need a silly tram to get back home in style.