I’m on the train heading back to Oberstdorf via a little stop in Basel in Switzerland. I give this weeks weather in Freiburg an A+. Deliciously warm. The Dreisam river looked so very inviting.

Yesterday was climbing with Jana in the evening.

The day before was running with Julian, Jana, and a friend followed by beer in a biergarten.

There are so many little interesting tracks around Freiburg in the hills. It looks ideal for mountain biking and running. I hear there is some road cycling about too. My, my, my.

Julian and sheep (Feiburg, Germany) resize Cris at the climbing wall (Freiburg, Germany) resize

Above left: I thought this only happened in New Zealand. Julian is about to be surrounded by a heard of sheep while we were out running in the Black Forest. Above right: It is me at the climbing wall with Jana.

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