Leonie and I went for a quick trip into the Cobb Valley in Kahurangi National Park. We left the nice bach at Wainui in the morning and drove into the national park to a point by the side of the road where a track leads off to Asbestos Cottage. The name sounds a bit dubious and apparently they used to mine for the stuff there.

The weather was a bit rubbish and we trudged in in the grey. From the cottage we headed to the Gridiron rock shelters and had a nosey around there before heading further to Flora Hut. We had intended to spend the night at Mt Arthur Hut as it had got a very good write up from young Katie. We were in need of dinner though so cooked something at the hut with the thought of possibly continuing. The thought vanished when it began to rain heavily.

The next day we scampered up to Mt Arthur Hut in sunshine. It does look like a nice wee spot there. We continued on up towards Mt Arthur but decided not to head up to the summit, instead we headed over Gordon’s Pyramid and down to Salisbury Lodge.

We hadn’t really planned to stay another night in the park so we tried to scheme a way that would get us out quickly. We ended up heading to Balloon hut for the night where we had a smaller than usual meal. We left in mist the next day and headed to Lake Peel by which time it had cleared. We snacked on our last bit of food and headed down to the Cobb Reservoir. We trudged along the road to the base of the lake before I donned my racing crocs (oh yeah), and ran up over the hill and down the road to collect the car. It was deliciously sunny and a very nice run due to there being fabulous green native bush on either side of the road.

We took a dip in the lake after I returned to collect Leonie and then drove to Old Mac Donald’s farm where we camped the evening.

Leonie in drippy weather (Mt Arthur Tramp)Asbestos Hut sign (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above Left: Leonie and I drove up the Cobb Valley and left the car somewhere along the way. We then walked in towards Mt Arthur Hut via Asbestos Hut. It was grey and dreary. Above right: We stopped briefly at Asbestos Hut on the way in, and then continued towards Mt Arthur Hut.

Another tit (Mt Arthur Tramp)Crossing a high bridge (Mt Arthur Tramp)Leonie getting the fire going at Flora Hut (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above left: We found some inquisitive birds along the way. Above middle: And a bridge to cross. Above right: We didn’t make it to Mt Arthur Hut before evening so stopped at Flora Hut instead, which was definitely not quite as nice. Leonie got a fire going though and it was cosy.

Early morning at Flora Hut (Mt Arthur Tramp)Leonie beside Flora Hut (Mt Arthur Tramp)Mount Arthur Hut (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above left: The weather cleared early in the morning. Above middle: We set off from Flora Hut up to Mt Arthur Hut in the morning. Above right: We had a quick look at Mt Arthur Hut which was really rather nice and then we continued on.

Leonie climbing down (Mt Arthur Tramp)Gordon's Pyramid (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above left: We skipped Mt Arthur and instead headed over Gordon’s Pyramid to Salisbury Lodge. Above right: The view from Gordon’s Pyramid was nice.

Greenery (Mt Arthur Tramp)Balloon Hut sign (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above left: The greenery along the way was also nice. Above right: We stopped briefly at Salisbury Lodge and then continued on to Balloon Hut.

Leonie and hills (Mt Arthur Tramp)

Above: The next day we headed out past Lake Peel to the Cobb Reservoir. I ran back along the road over the hill in my race crocs and picked up the car. The descent to get the car was delicious as it was all green and sunny and the road was lined in native bush.

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