We got up early again to avoid the heat. I went running along the river and Edit cycled. We ended up at a nearby town and had a nosey around before heading back stopping to have a dip in the water. We visited an old-colleague of Edit’s in his holiday bach on our return and watched as he prepared a Sunday meal; a vegetable stew cooked in a wood oven. I snuck in a half-marathon, running 21.7 km.

Cris running (Hungary) 1 resize Ritchy puts food into the wood oven (Hungary) resize

Above left: Running next to the river. Above right: Into the wood oven it goes.

Cris looking tired after his run (Hungary) resize Mmmm yum yum (Hungary) resize

Above left: Looking a little tired after running. Above right: Mmm stew.

In the afternoon we headed into Győr and had a look around. It’s amazing to see the difference between rural Hungary and the towns. In the countryside it seems quite poor but the towns are in very good condition. We grabbed an icecream and had a look at some of the attractions. There was a festival feel in the air… due to there being… a festival on.

Edit in soft focus (Gyor, Hungary) resize Cris being a posy poser (Gyor, Hungary) resize

Above left: Edit in Győr. Above right: Cris being a poser.

It's mighty hot here (Gyor, Hungary) resize Cris shakes hands with the locals 2 (Gyor, Hungary) resize

Above left: It was hot-hot-hot. At least until a big storm came in the evening. Above right: Cris being a poser… again…

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